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Message from APWU President Mark Dimondstein, Executive Vice-President Debby Szeredy and Secretary-Treasurer Liz Powell on Hurricane Ian and Fiona.
Oct 08, 2022

Message from APWU President Mark Dimondstein, Executive Vice-President Debby Szeredy and Secretary-Treasurer Liz Powell on Hurricane Ian and Fiona.

September 30, 2022

Message from APWU President Mark Dimondstein, Executive Vice-President Debby Szeredy and Secretary-Treasurer Liz Powell on Hurricane Ian and Fiona.

In the past two weeks, two disastrous hurricanes have caused massive devastation and hardship, including the loss of life. Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands are still recovering from the damage of Hurricane Fiona. Hurricane Ian continues to sweep through the Southeast United States after delivering massive damage in Florida.

These storms have deeply impacted our APWU family.

Our hearts and thoughts are with all those affected by these storms, especially APWU members and their families.  First and foremost, our primary concern is for the wellbeing and safety of all those in the path of these terrible storms. The APWU leadership has reached out to and been informed by postal management that postal employees are thus far safe and accounted for. 

We understand that for many the recovery process will be long and difficult.

Postal workers are encouraged to continue donating to the Postal Employee Relief Fund (PERF), which provides relief grants to assist qualifying active and retired postal employees impacted by natural disasters, to help re-establish residence and replenish necessities in the aftermath of a devastating loss.

Secure donations to PERF can be made by credit card using Pay Pal or through payroll deduction by designating #10268 during the Combined Federal Campaign, which is set to kick-off on October 2nd. PERF is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. All contributions are tax-deductible. More information on disaster relief funds is available here.

Affected postal workers may also contact the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) (800) 327-4968. EAP is available around the clock to provide free, confidential counseling and referral services to help employees and their families to obtain resources and cope with their current challenges.

With natural disasters becoming ever more frequent and devastating – wildfires, floods, extreme heat and storms – we are reminded that it is the public Postal Service and dedicated postal workers who are on the frontlines of beginning to bring normalcy back to our communities. And postal workers return to performing our mission of serving the people often while facing their own hardships and recovery efforts.

The APWU leadership continues to monitor the impact of these storms and we encourage all our affected members to stay strong in the face of the adversity. Know that your APWU family stands with you!

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